Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Preparing for the Christ Child

As you sit down to read this newsletter we will all be in the middle of Advent and heading quickly into our Christmas celebrations. During this time of year people often ask me what spiritual practices might be helpful for us as we prepare to celebrate the gift of the Christ child. As I reflected on that question a few suggestions came to mind.

This first suggestion I have is for us to count our blessings. It is a wonderful gift for us to think back on the many ways God has answered our prayers. Doing so helps us to see the ways God has been active in our life and gives us courage as we face the future knowing that God will continue to be with us no matter how challenging things may become.

Second, take some time this Advent to remember that you have a purpose. God has given everyone’s life deep meaning and placed a calling in everyone’s heart. Spend time reflecting on what God may be calling you to do in the life of His kingdom.

Third, take time for prayer, reading, and quiet. While this may seem rather simple or obvious, it is easy to forget to do during the busy time of Christmas preparation. There are many resources available for connecting to God. Many people pray the Daily Office which involves praying Morning and Evening Prayer. These services are found in the Book of Common Prayer. Morning prayer begins on page 75 and Evening Prayer begins on page 115. The lectionary begins on page 936 and we are now in Year One. Alternatively, one quick way to keep the Daily Office is to go to and the services with the readings are formatted for you.

Finally, remember to re-connect with family, friends, and our faith community. Each of us can be a wonderful gift to one another in helping each other grow closer to God. I pray that this gift of love and community will be felt in a special way during our Christmas services this season. I also pray that as we prepare for those services, each of us will find in our preparation a glimpse into the powerful way in which God loves us. May we all come to see God’s love in the Christ child given to us that we might all find our way home to that great community of the faithful in the life beyond this one.